Where emotions are stored in the body?
With developments in Neuroscience coupled with Ancient wisdom we can confirm that emotions are linked to various parts of the body. Feelings often manifest as physical sensations making our emotional experiences deeply embodied.
Below, I shall outline how our emotions are tied to our physical being and give examples of where in the body emotions manifest and at the end conclude with some ways to release them.
The nervous system connects our emotional and physical selves. When we experience stress or trauma, our body activates the fight, flight, or freeze response, preparing us to deal with the situation. If the emotions tied to these responses aren’t resolved, meaning, the energy is not discharged and therefore, remains stuck in the body, this will show up as pain or discomfort in specific areas. Over time, this unprocessed pain can lead to chronic health conditions, such as tension headaches, digestive issues, muscle stiffness, changes in heart rate, a weakened immune system or long term illness.
In my de armouring sessions I work a lot on the first three energy centres, the root, the navel and the solar plexus including the diaphragm. From there I move the stuck energy up towards the heart and out via the throat encouraging the client to ‘find their voice’ to give permission to express those unwanted, pushed down feelings.
The root:
This area located around the base of the spine and perineum is linked to survival, so if we have been neglected, betrayed or abandoned as a child, our stress response will be heightened with feelings of disconnection, instability and lack of grounding. Also we may feel numb and lacking in purpose or direction.
The pelvis including the abdomen:
The genital area is deeply connected to feelings of intimacy, pleasure, and vulnerability. Emotional pain tied to relationships, past sexual trauma, or societal shame can manifest as physical discomfort or dysfunction. Feelings of not good enough, not worthy, not wanted or being overly emotional, manifest in the body as fear or anxiety. For women trapped energy in the pelvis can affect their cycle.
Trapped emotions are often stored for most people I see in the abdomen. This pain can be caused by worry, stress and overwhelm and manifests as digestive issues.
The solar plexus:
This is our centre of power, will and autonomy. If this area is underdeveloped we may go through life not being in control or giving away our power too easily and thus losing our own agency. Feelings around the diaphragm that manifest as a result are anger, shame and guilt. I’ve noticed with clients who hold onto shame there is a constriction around their diaphragm, breath becomes shallow as they don’t have the space to fully breathe in.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine anger is associated with the liver which causes an increase in blood pressure. This emotion is much maligned as we grow up being told it’s not ok to be angry, many people have trouble expressing their anger. In my sessions I welcome clients to befriend their anger, see it as a positive emotion and release it in a healthy way, such as hitting a pillow or screaming. If screaming is challenging I encourage yelling into a pillow.
Our bodies are deeply intertwined with our emotional lives and by paying more attention to where emotions manifest physically, we can learn more about our inner landscape which will help to improve our well-being, feel freer and more connected to our bodies and experience the world with more flow and ease.
Ways to Help Release Stored Emotions:
TRE - Trauma Release Exercises
Yoga and meditation
Body de-armouring
Tonal sounding
Abdominal massage
Pelvic floor exercises
What areas of your body hold emotions the most for you?